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Sunday, January 23, 2005


I have found a project namely phpbtque at sourceforge. It is a Web interface to control BTQueue BitTorrent client. Written in PHP. Requires web server which understands PHP, and BTQueue BitTorrent client.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Fixed stop downloading bug in 0.0.18

Finally, I have found the problem of BitTornado 0.3.9b. It will cancel requests that are not being responsed within snub time. After that it will choke itself. It is so hard to get unchoke from other peers at this point.

I just commented this code and BTQueue backs to the fastest client right now. I will release it as 0.0.19 very soon.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Tweaking your system to get the most out of BitTorrent

Tweaking your system to get the most out of BitTorrent: BitTorrent built in the other half of trading you probably learned as a kid: tit-for-tat. That is, if you give me one piece, I'll give you one piece back. BitTorrent will give you a few pieces of the file for free to help you get started, but after that you need to start giving some pieces back if you want to keep downloading. If you don't share, eventually everyone else will stop talking to you. Just like when you were a kid with your toys on the playground. In fact, BitTorrent goes one step futher and actually starts to favor the people who share the most. This means that the more you upload, the faster you'll download.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

New command

Since I am encountering firewall problem which does not allow incoming connection, BTQueue looks so slow comparing to firewall which did not allow outgoing connection. To solve this problem, I guessed BT protocol implemented in BitTornado might have done something weird that make it act like that. So, I defined new command named "last_message" for verifying protocol interaction between BTQueue and other peers. In addition, you can set MAX_LAST_MESSAGE using gset command to specify number of messages kept in queue.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Serious bug in BitTornado 0.3.9b

I found that BT 0.3.9b has a very serious bug. BT will not download as fast as it could through locally initiated connection. It means BT works best with incoming connection rather than outgoing connection made by itself. It turns out that clients behind firewall will be unable to download; however upload works fine here.

For the last year, I always ran BT behind firewall which blocks only outgoing connections to standard BT ports but incoming connections work fine. I found that incoming connection is the best condition to make BT as fast as it could even without outgoing connection at all.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Missing pyxml in 0.0.18 for Win32 has been fixed

For those who downloaded BTQueue 0.0.18 for Win32, please download and install it again to fix missing pyxml package. It is necessary to upgrade to make crawler work properly. Sorry for that, it's my fault.

Monday, January 10, 2005

BTQueue 0.0.18 has been released!

Eventually, BTQueue 0.0.18 has been released with lots of new features, improvements, and bugs fixed. In this version, xmlrpc is heavily used to fully support remote submission so that it is the first cluster-ready BitTorrent client. In addition, low disk space checking mechanism has been added to prevent consuming all disk in automatic crawler mode. Output table now is rendered dynamically to eliminate misalign column. Furthermore, you are allowed to specify favorite table formatting or define as alias. A most requested feature is file selection for multifile torrent. Actually, BitTornado provides this capability for long. However, BTQueue gives you more flexibility to generate priorities string for large number of files in a line. Peers command has also added to help you identify problem when no connection has been made in reasonable period. Don't waste your time. Try it right now! - fixed missing quote before saving xml - increased default rerequest interval to 20 minutes - upgraded to BitTornado 0.3.8 - fixed quoting unicode string - fixed incompatible of xmlrpc in 2.2 and 2.3 - reduced scrape thread to a single thread - changed to event scheduler instead of delay - checked for low disk space - rendered table dynamicly - added table header - fixed meta local file - fixed not creating first directory level in 2.3 - added download priorities in files - added --saveas and --priority to add command - displayed changed title if it is done automatically - fixed displaying usage by option -h - allowed to customize default command - removed unused codes - added returning id from do_add() - allowed adding metadata directly via xmlrpc - changed commandline to xmlrpc interface - added peers command to list of peers in connection queue - added priorities generation grammar

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

BTQueue 0.0.18

I promise to release BTQueue 0.0.18 very soon. It might be this week or next week. Please wait a moment. I am adding the last feature to help all you to select files to download from a large set easier. I guess it is the easiest way in the world. Without this capability, file selector is totally useless!